Te Iho Matauranga o Wairakei (Essence of Knowledge)
Pre-employment programme will cover the following three stages, each designed to build on Participant skills, knowledge, and confidence to securing sustainable employment
Stage 1 - Te Kete Aronui, will include the following:
Medical check, including D&A test
Group workshops about the history of Wairakei, induction, relationship building
Councelling – mental health awareness, drug & addiction
One on one mentoring sessions about career/education pathways
Hauora planning
Noho marae
Stage 2 – Te Kete Tuauri, will include the following:
Cultural Development
Introduction to industry
Driving lessons
Work readiness – CV preparation, upskilling, soft-skills, financial literacy, conflict and stress management, life skills
One-on-one mentoring sessions about career/education pathways
Engagement with Employers
Stage 3 – Te Kete Tuatea, will include the following:
Health check
Cultural Development
Driving lessons
Work readiness training
One-on-one mentoring sessions about career/education pathways
Relevant certificates including; First Aid, Workplace Health & Safety
Culture and Heritage workshops
Hauora sessions
Employment placement